Grass-fed Beef

IMG_2720Our grass-fed beef is the result of selective breeding, proper care and managed grazing.

Not every cow is a candidate for quality grass-fed meat. Certain physical and genetic characteristics will enable one to be a superior candidate over another. Therefore we started with the Angus breed, a maternal breed that is easy fleshing and early maturing (marbles well on grass). We then selected Red Angus because a red hide is more heat tolerant than a black hide and we live in the hot, humid Southeast. Taking this a step further, we selectively breed within our herd and occasionally bring in specific new genetics to continually improve our herd.

Our cows dine on quality grass and hay and have free choice minerals always available. Our calves have never known anything but mama’s milk, grass and hay. We never feed grain, animal byproducts, or any of the legal feed substitutes such as candy, gum, poultry litter, and bakery waste. We have an annual vaccination program developed in concert with our veterinarian. Our cows are always humanly handled in a low stress manner that is easy on them and easy on us. We practice Management Intensive Grazing which is good for the soil, good for the cows and good for the environment.

We are currently providing our whole cow “Primeburger”. This meat is literally the meat from the whole cow. All of the prime cuts that would normally go to prime rib, T-bone steaks, etc. are evenly mixed in with the chuck, the sirloin, and the round. This makes for a ground beef product that has the taste and texture you won’t find anywhere else. It’s like eating steak in a patty. Our “Primeburger” is an 80% – 20% lean to fat ratio that we have found through experimentation and customer feedback provides the optimum eating and cooking experience.

Cooking Tips: Please do not thaw in the microwave. It is best to remove your “Primeburger” from the freezer a couple of days prior to use and place in the refrigerator. For day of use thawing, remove from the freezer in the morning and leave at room temperature for an hour or two and then put in the refrigerator for use that evening. For prompt thawing, it is best to place the “Primeburger” in a water tight container such as a zip-lock baggie or a “Tupperware” container and let set in cold water. Be careful not to overcook your “Primeburger”. Grass-fed beef generally takes approximately 1/3 less cooking time than grain fed beef.