Grass-fed Lamb

054_54Our grass-fed lamb comes from Katahdin sheep.  We chose the Katahdin breed for several reasons.  Katahdins are a hair sheep breed which means they naturally shed their winter hair coat each spring so no shearing is required.  More importantly to us, hair sheep do not have the lanolin in their coats that wool sheep have.  Because of the lack of lanolin, the meat does not have that strong, heavy taste and smell many people associate with lamb.  Katahdins are known for their parasite resistance, which reduces the need for worming.  Katahdins have more muscle mass than some hair sheep breeds which means more meat on the carcass.

Our sheep co-graze the pastures with the cows and pigs enjoying the same lush grass, never receiving any grain or feed supplements.  Cows, sheep and pigs are dead end hosts for each other’s internal parasites so this really helps reduce the need for chemical wormers.  We use the FAMACHA method (examining the inner eyelid for blood flow) to assess the worm load in our sheep so we do not indiscriminately worm them.  Our sheep never receive growth promoting antibiotics, hormones or steroids.

IMG_2700Our grass-fed lamb has a light, delicate taste that makes a delicious alternative to the usual beef, pork or chicken.  We are currently offering stew meat and ground lamb.  We use the meat from the entire animal for our stew meat and ground lamb, not just the trimmings.  We think you will really be pleased with the product.

Cooking Tips:  Please do not thaw in the microwave.  It is best to remove your lamb from the freezer a couple of days prior to use and place in the refrigerator.  For day of use thawing, remove from the freezer in the morning and leave at room temperature for an hour or two and then put in the refrigerator for use that evening.  For prompt thawing, it is best to place the lamb in a water tight container such as a zip-lock baggie or a “Tupperware” container and let set in cold water.  Be careful not to overcook your lamb.  Grass-fed lamb generally takes approximately 1/3 less cooking time than grain fed lamb.

9 replies on “Grass-fed Lamb”

  1. Janice says:

    I’m interested in your ground lamb. How much per pound?

  2. Cory Baughn says:

    Hello there! I was wondering where your lamb is sold at! I am very interested in purchasing some to try, and I’m sure it would be amazing. I have really only ever had New Zealand and Australian lamb, but I hear that American raised lamb is even more flavorful that those! Please let me know though and feel free to email me the info. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing back! Cory Baughn

  3. L.J. says:

    Do you sell the lambs or sheep live, I am trying to start a small flock, and I am very interested in the katahdins. If so about how much would they cost?

  4. Cliff says:

    I am interested in buying either a half or whole lamb. What are your prices? Thanks, Cliff

  5. Kim Mowery says:

    I am very interested in getting prices on all your meats. Do you have a catalog? I have been looking for good quality meats for a long time. I look forward to you contacting me.

  6. Courtney Jones says:

    Do you ever sell your sheep to other farmers? We are looking for a ram and ewe to add to our farm.

  7. Wesley says:

    I would like to purchase from you for a Huntsville Brew Pub. I would like 20 lb of lamb rack.

  8. kenny payne says:

    im interested in buying around a 100 or more lambs[ age] baby to six months please contact

  9. Alise Ford says:

    I am interested in purchasing a 1/2 or whole lamb.

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